Oseng-Rees Reflection Ltd

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Dr. Oseng-Rees presents at SOCIETY OF GLASS TECHNOLOGY conference- Glass Reuse and Recycling Through the Ages

Glass Reuse and Recycling Through the Ages


History and Heritage Virtual Conference

Please click here to read more and to book a space on the free virtual conference.

A free webinar, 2pm-4.30pm on Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Colin Brain will present the keynote talk

Society of Glass Technology

Chaired by Dr W Brookes

2.00 Colin Brain

Keynote lecture: Glass Reuse and Recycling Through the Ages

2.40 Inge Panneels (Edinburgh Napier University & Glass Artist)
Material Journey

3:00 Gregory Alliss (Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh University) Smashing Old Televisions for a Sustainable Studio Practice. Alternative source materials in Art Glass Making

3:20 Hannah Gibson (Hannah Gibson Glass)
Recycling Narratives: Whispering Sweet Nothings

3.40 Juli Bolaños-Durman (Juli Bolaños-Durman Studio) World of Second Chances: Where Waste Material is the Starting Point

4:00 Tyra Oseng-Rees (Oseng-Rees Reflection) From PhD research to enterprise in recycled glass

4.20 Break out rooms for a tea/coffee and a chat

  The audience will be encouraged to participate, with 5 and 10 minutes allowed for questions using 'chat' , rather like a bring and share session.

Title: From PhD research to enterprise in recycled glass.

During a doctoral research investigation, Dr Oseng-Rees developed an innovative way of recycling glass bottles into decorative architectural and interior products using a low carbon manufacturing process. In 2017 she started the business Oseng-Rees Reflection with the mission stay true to sustainable development, collect bottles locally, thrive towards a zero-carbon mission and give you a beautiful piece of art for your home or business. Projects delivered is main reception desk at the multi-million pond development at University of Wales, the prestigious Research & Innovation trophies for Swansea University, exhibited at National Waterfront Museum 2019/2020, Award winner at Sustainable Academy Awards, Sustainable Business, 2019 and Finalist at Great British Entrepreneur Award: Creative Industries Entrepreneur of the Year 2019.