Oseng-Rees Reflection Ltd

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Harmonious Entrepreneurship Society: Sustainability Education through the entrepreneurial recycling of glass bottles

February 23, 2021

Excited to be featured in The Harmonious Entrepreneurship Society

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Sustainability Education through the entrepreneurial recycling of glass bottles: Oseng-Rees Reflection

We can educate "about" entrepreneurship, we can educate "for" it or we can educate "through" it. Though we tend to focus on the first two objectives, the third can be extremely powerful for "students" of all ages, as this very creative and innovative case demonstrates.

Professor David A. Kirby, BA., Ph.d

Higher Education Consultant specialising in Entrepreneurial Education and the creation and management of Entrepreneurial Universities

The Harmonious Entrepreneurship Society

*Please Note: this is external content and copyright of © Harmonious-Entrepreneurship.org (2020).

A holistic systems-thinking approach to entrepreneurship

Co-Funded by: Prof David A. Kirby and Felicity Healey-Benson

Set up to promote and advance harmonious approaches to entrepreneurship to address the sustainability challenge facing our planet.

For entrepreneurship to address the sustainability challenge, three recent approaches to entrepreneurship (eco, humane and social) have been added to the traditional wealth creation or economic approach. All four approaches are important.

Harmonious entrepreneurship, based on systems thinking, recognises the interconnectivity of the ecosystem and integrates or harmonises all four approaches, creating a 21st century model for business that is intended to help save our planet.
